World Peace
Visualize our Dream!

The Muyest Dream    ~ Peace for Earth


Before all great achievements there is a dreamer. There is one person who can see past the mundane. That dreamer can see the way to change things for the better. The dreamer has to have at least one other variable trait. They need to be an inventor, or a writer, a speaker or a politician. They have to have a way to make the dream come true themselves or they have to have a way to pass the dream on so that others can achieve it. But since I believe that this is the biggest, the best, the MUYEST dream ever, I think it requires more than one dreamer to visualize it all. So I am opening this up to the world.

I WANT your input. I want artistic, engineering, sociology, economic, political and even religious input. But only positive and inclusive entries will be retained, we only want to know how is it possible and what changes would we have to make to achieve our goal of a peaceful united earth.

Dream Big the future depends on us!

One person can make a difference!
Click  HERE   to read the stories of
The Righteous.

What does world peace look like?

What does world peace look like? I once saw a bumper sticker that was a play on a different bumper sticker. It said “Imagine Whirled Peas”. My first thought was that is a hell of a lot easier to imagine than “Imagine World Peace”. In the first instance the peas whirled in my imaginary blender all green lumpy and even a slight chlorophyl smell. But world PEACE? How would that look?

For this to work, we need an educated population. I see free schools starting on the internet and people taking satellite laptops to the far reaches of earth so that our message can spread.

I see one world leader, one world economy, one world language, but I see each country keeping their own local leaders, economies and languages. I suspect that the world language will be English simply because it is the language already spoken by all pilots and air traffic controllers throughout the world. I don't see the language as being English as it is spoken today...I suspect with the fluidity of time English will incorporate even more words and phrases from all other languages.

I see a world where men and women are considered to be equal in all matters religious, legal, civil and political. That any clothing, occupation or right that is considered appropriate for one sex is also allowed and considered appropriate for either sex if so desired by that individual.

I see a world where people take responsibility for their own actions and future. Visualizing where they fit and contributing to universal harmony. I see a world where we give people live chickens and seeds so that they have an ongoing renewable food source instead of rice that is finite and subject to spoilage.

I see huge solar water stills making fresh water from our oceans using only the sun for energy. I see algae farms and processing ending world hunger. I see huge space based solar mirrors bringing sunlight to Alaska in December and Argentina in June.





Our canvas!

What do you see? 
Please use our guestbook to add your ideas about World Peace!
A 15 year old shows us the way!